The Aradius Group Blog

Should You Use Direct Mail?

Written by Admin | May 10, 2022 4:33:28 PM

Here are 11 statistics about direct mail that you should know.

1. Open rate

Direct mail has an open/read rate of 42%.


2. Customer spend

Recipients of direct mail purchase 28% more items and spend 28% more than those who do not receive mail.


3. Connects you to your customer

41% of direct mail recipients look forward to checking their mailboxes each day. (Source: Gallup)


4. Flexibility

73% of American consumers say they prefer being contacted by brands via direct mail because they can read it whenever they want. (Source: Epsilon)


5. Increased ROI

Direct mail offers a 29% return on investment. (Source: Marketing Charts)


6. Invites a response

Consumers aged 45-54 are the demographic group most likely to respond to direct mail pieces. (Source: Data & Marketing Association)


7. More visibility

80–90% of direct mail gets opened, while only 20–30% of email does. (Source: United States Postal Service)


8. Memorable

Only 44% of people can recall a brand immediately after seeing a digital ad compared to 75% of those who receive direct mail. (Source: Marketing Profs)


9. Simple and effective

Direct mail requires 21% less cognitive effort to process than email. (Source: Ipsos/Canada Post)


10. Brand recognition

Brand recall is 70% higher for consumers exposed to direct mail ads than to digital ads. (Source: Ipsos/Canada Post)


11. Preferred method of communication

30% of Millennials say that direct mail is more effective at getting them to take action compared to 24% who say the same of email. (Source: Direct Marketing News)


Think direct mail is a marketing rock star? We do, too! Talk to us about creating your next direct mail campaign.


Editor’s note: Thanks to Small Business Genius for compiling many of the stats cited here.

Aradius Group is a commercial printing company that specializes in marketing strategy, specifically with direct mail, based out of Omaha, NE.